P&I Club
Produk & Layanan

1. Basic P&I Covers

  1. Personal injury to or illness or loss of life of crew members
  2. Personal injury to or loss of life of stevedores
  3. Personal injury to or illness or loss of life of passengers and others
  4. Loss of personal effects
  5. Diversion expenses
  6. Life salvage
  7. Collision Liabilities :
  8. One-fourth collision liability
  9. Other risks excluded from the Running Down Clause
  10. Excess collision liabilities
  11. Loss or damage to property other than cargo
  12. Pollution
  13. Towage contract liabilities
  14. Liabilities under contract and indemnities
  15. Wreck liabilities
  16. Cargo liabilities
  17. Cargo’s proportion of general average or salvage
  18. Certain expenses of salvers
  19. Fines
  20. Legal costs
  21. "Omnibus" cover
  22. Overall conditions of cover
  23. Exclusions of war risks
  24. Selection by ship owners  of particular head of cover and of deductibles
  25. Cover for charteres
  26. Additional Covers

2. Wreck Removal Coverage

Terhitung sejak tanggal 1 Maret 2015 Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Laut Kementerian Perhubungan menginstruksikan kepada seluruh pemilik kapal dengan ukuran 35 gross ton (GT) atau lebih, wajib untuk mengasuransikan kapalnya dengan asuransi penyingkiran kerangka kapal (Wreck Removal)  atau perlindungan ganti rugi (Protection and Indemnity).

3. Autentifikasi Sertifikat

Promindo memberikan akses online kepada pemerintah dan syahbandar untuk memverifikasi Certificate of Entry dan Certificate of Insurance para anggota Promindo.

Rukan Gedung Gajah Unit ABC No. A2 Floor 3A

Jl. Dokter Saharjo no. 111 , Tebet Jakarta Selatan
Open in Map

(62 - 21) 83706706

Jam Kerja :
Senin - Jumat , 09.00 - 17.00
